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 “You can judge a nation, and how successful it will be by how it treats its women and girls”
- Barack Obama

Our Story

Our Story

Named in honor of our beloved Ms. Lillie Faye Gibson, a true leader and champion for equity, Lillies in Bloom was founded in 2022 with a commitment to the advancement and empowerment of young girls from underrepresented cultures and communities. Our understanding of the uniqueness of each girl we serve, our whole-child approach, evidence-based programs, and partnership with parents is at the core of everything we do and is essential to the betterment of each life we encounter.



We seek to combat

generational silence and misinformation provided to young girls entering womanhood.


 Lillies in Bloom (LIB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational program that seeks to empower and mentor young women ages 13-17. Our mission is to educate through social-emotional learning (SEL), and academic and career development while promoting soft skills, self-advocacy, and hope. We serve to support young women as they transition from adolescence to young adulthood by wrapping them in sustainable resources and information.





Whole-Person Wellness

Our Focus

Our focus is wrapping our members with resources that promote mental, physical, and emotional stability, as well as personal, educational, and professional advancement for female youth.

Our Collaborators

Collaborators Girls Scouts of SN.png

Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada


Clark County Juvenile Justice Services' Truancy Prevention Outreach Program (TPOP) division

Collaborators UNLV.png

UNLV Greenspun College of Urban Affairs 

School of Public Policy and Leadership

Donate to Lillies in Bloom

Help Empower Our Girls

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